Zach Trailer Group

Creative Ventures, LLC

I just wanted to drop you a brief note of appreciation for the amazing and successful job you did in representing our acquisition in Portola Valley. As I put the files away it gave me the opportunity to reflect that we spent over six months negotiating this transaction. I’m so thankful you were there to battle on our behalf as well as keep track of the eleven counter offers, which eventually satisfied our obvious “picky” concerns.

When we started this process, I was a bit skeptical that we could ever eventually acquire this property given the immense complexity of development in Portola Valley and the peculiar character of the sellers. Your teflon coating and your iron will were paramount in making this transaction come to fruition.

I look forward to working with you in the future. In my many years in the business, seldom have I been so ably and energetically represented and I will show my appreciation with additional work.