Zach Trailer Group


Zach Trailer is a real estate agent of incredible talent. His articulate and accurate way of representing a property for sale had enabled us to achieve profitable transactions in a well-organized manner.

Zach is knowledgeable, personable, dynamic, and always up to date and well informed on the markets we work within. He is honest and truly possesses a high level of integrity, which facilitates communication and cooperation with other agents and potential clients.
Zach has successfully assisted us with the purchase of new projects as well as represented us as sellers. His superb marketing skills coupled with his dedicated work ethic serve him well in the residential real estate arena. Although he is comparatively young, he is mature in nature and is thoroughly educated and experienced in the area of sales.

Recently Zach pre-sold a single-family residential project for us. Through his talent and commitment, Zach was successful in placing the project in contract before the foundation work had started. In addition, he has been an integral part in the ongoing follow through in working with the homebuyers to approve plans, increase deposits, and keep the channels of communication open between the builder and homebuyer.
I recommend Zach Trailer whole-heartedly and without reserve. He has performed an outstanding job for us and is an individual we are proud to work with and have as our agent.